Tip: Try this session.
1 minute warming
1 minute jumps with knees elevated
1 minute sprints at full speed
1 minute leap to slow
Jumps 1 minute high knees
Rest 2 minutes and repeat
2. Squat
Contrary to popular belief, the squat is a compound exercise that targets more than one muscle group. This powerful exercise helps toned legs, buttocks, and strengthens the body in general, all without mentioning the amount of calories you burn during and after exercise.
You can do them with weight in the gym using barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells. At home with elastic bands, weightless, deep, with jumps, holding the position ... The variety is great and all are beneficial. Do squats regularly is one of the best ways to transform and improve your body and your health.
3. Biceps curl
Not usually a favorite of many people because they are difficult to start exercising, but can do wonders for your body. There is a large variety of push-ups you can do and will work different muscles in the arms and shoulders. Even the abdominal muscles are activated significantly to do push-ups, another reason to incorporate in routine.
As a bonus, the pushups are exceletes for your cardiovascular health and also improve posture. You simply incorporate them into the routine but make sure the correct technique to avoid lower back pain and possible injury. This applies to absolutely every exercise you do.
Tip: Test the descending series.
10 push ups with open arms
9 push-ups closed arms
8 push ups open arms
7 push ups closed arms
6 push ups Open arms
5 push ups closed arms
4 push ups Open arms
3 push ups closed arms
2 push ups open arms
1 push ups closed arms
Repeats 1 to 3 times.
4. Strides
The buttocks, thighs and calves greatly favor this year. Lunges or strides will give excellent results since by its nature worked isolate the leg doing more intense exercise. Like squats are many variants. You can do it with a barbell on your shoulders, dumbbells, elastic bands, in step with your own weight, jumping, alternating legs, all with excellent results if the remains challenging exercise and exercise is sustained over time.
As always, the best results come from the regular so we recommend a minimum of three sessions per week with 4 sets of 12 repetitions with each leg. It will vary with weight days, others jump to add the cardiovascular component and the other day in drawer or step back leg to support and increase the intensity.
5. Swimming
If there is a complete exercise that can leave you dazzled by the results you get is swimming. Swimming strengthens your middle zone and uses many muscle groups, but also gives you other benefits ...
Lowers blood pressure, strengthens the heart and improves aerobic capacity. It is also a full, fun and de-stressing exercise.
So if you have access to swimming pools in the area in which you live to swim will be an alternative that will yield you well.
6. Running
Running relieves stress, improve heart health, reduce the risk of depression, reduce body fat, burn calories and improve to one's perception of oneself. Running is almost a meditative activity that has the potential to transform yourself mentally and physically.
Running builds strong legs and toned, and can help you rapid weight loss. We love to run and exercise is recommended to regularly. Some do it every day, we recommend two to three sessions per week and supplemented with some form of strength training such as weight training, exercise with weight itself or also with other activities or sports.
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